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Thursday, December 11, 2008

kenangan terindah di mase cuti semester...

assalammualaikum wbt.....hmm cuti sem kali ni agk terisi dgn xtvt yg bermanfaat ...alhmdulillah..x la aku mengangur kt umah goyang kaki tgk tv je....busan gak kalo cam2 je slalu....stat je cuti sem aku da kene bersiap2 tuk pegi tganu tuk join xtvt program ank angkt organized by our faculty at shah alam...actually aku pegi pun atas jemputan mmbr aku kt sane...ad kekosongan tu yg pegi...hehe kalo x ,x dapek do...aku pegi dlm 3 hr 2 mlm ..mmg best gak r tp memenatkn coz hmpir lbh 10 jam dok dlm bas da la ujan kejap2 bas benti coz sume da nk terkucil...ble da sampi sane org kg da xd...tggl ktorang je...hahaha..nk wat cmne wether problem..hmmm bab family angkt dorang mmg nice...cume communication barriers je yg susah sket...overall ok la ...pemandangn pun cantik...cume kawasan kg tu je yg mcm x terurus sket...

pas blk dr tganu aku kene ready tuk pegi kursus kepimpinan kt sg rambai mlka...ni tuk 4 hr 3 mlm...mcm2 xtvt yg ad sampai aku nek busan tp xpe bab kate cik ramli x kesah kalo mmbr kate gle ,da bg cuti tp xnk cuti join bende2 cmni..ape aku kesah yg penting aku suka..all these thing is precious to me as to be a good leader...wateva...hmm tp dlm program kali ni yg plg adventure and best skali ble hr terakhir ktorg kene join xtvt kembara masuk utan..huhuhu best gle bg aku da bese la bg bdk len xtao la...tp yg plg best ble kene msk kolam ...ntah kolam pe ntah aku pun xtao ad kate kolam ikan,lintah,belut...ntah la mcm2 yg dckpkn...kolam 2 xla dlm sgt tp dek kerana x tao berenang mau nk lemas aku...haha...pengalaman2...

pas g progrm kursus kepimpinan ready 4 da opkim...(operasi khidmat masyarakat) tuk 3hr 2 mlm,,kt kg yg same gak...mule2 nk wat progrm tu kt kg merlimau daerah yg same gak jasin...tp myb org kg sane xnk ktorg kot tu yg tuka kg sg rambai...heheh x kesah la...hmm xla kekok sgt coz da penah pegi kg tu sblm ni...cume dgn org kg je la coz mase ktorg g kursus tu just duduk dlm kem je..(kem modal insan agritourism homestay) best gle,,cantik tempat tu tp syg dtg bkn musim buah kalo x mst sodap dpt mkn buah tempatan hahah.....b4 this aku da penah join opkim mase diploma dlu kt juaseh n9...kirenye ni kali ke3 aku join program ank angkt...hmmm family angkt pun best...tp yg best ble ktorng d beri tggungjwab mengikut biro msg2 tok prgrm tu...aku dapt biro makanan...hahaha...but everything done in a good job...well done guys!! congrates 4 my leader and my team mmbr...mmg memenatkn but seronok...n bese la mst ad 1 part dlm xtvt yg plg mnjd ingatan ble at the last day ktorg dberi tugasan dlm explorace pada pg sabtu...hmm mmg best aku dpt belajar cmne nk wat canting batik,berus sabut,kopek getah lantun and yg paling best TANGKAP BELUT...hahaha..eee geliiiinye....1st time in my life....but the same thing happened when at the last point ktorng kene msk kolam...kolam lg....ishhh..kolam yg same lak 2 yg mase kursus hr tu...hmmm tapi ad satu adegan yg x dpt dilupakn when my bestfren hmpir lemas..mmg cuak gle aku mase 2...coz time tu aku da lps nek coz aku x same kump dgn die so kump aku trun kolam dlu...n die kump yg last trun...mmg la at that time panik n rase nk nangis pun ada coz takot benda x dsangka jadik....alhmdulillah la tuhan masih sygkn die...thanks God...i dont want to lost the person that i luv anymore mcm my best fren aku yg dlu...Allahyarhamah Elaine(alfatihah tuk arwah...)...k 4 that person and i...pasni jgn lupe isi borang tuk kelas berenang k...hehe...sampai d sini je salamm....

p/s: ni kate2 hikmat ktorg sepanjang kursus kepimpinan & opkim
............"ape yg penting,,kerjasama" qoute by wonderpets...hehe